Weight Loss Tips for Beer Drinkers & Smokers
Lighten Up
Beer is a very popular choice among many drinkers. After a while, a tolerance may build up that may lead people to drinking more and more beer to get the desired effect that comes from drinking. Not only is this bad news for the liver, pancreas and circulatory system, but it also spells trouble for weight-loss efforts. Alcohol comes in at a whopping seven calories per gram. This is almost double the calories that are found in one gram of carbs or protein. With that being said, a regular 12-ounce glass of beer is equivalent to about 150 calories. On the other hand, that same amount of beer in the form of a light variety is about 110 calories. If six regular beers were consumed in one night, that's 900 fast-absorbing liquid calories. If the light beer is chosen, you can save yourself 240 calories for the same amount of alcohol.
Water is a necessary nutrient for survival. Without it, the body would become dehydrated and would fail to exist after a few days. Not only does it help keep the body hydrated, but it also helps flush toxins from the system and aids in the digestive process. This is where it can be a valuable tool with drinking. If glasses of water were alternated with glasses of beer, you would spare yourself calories because water has none. You would also offset the diuretic effect of the beer.
Slow Down
Drinking at a fast pace has a few bad effects. It can get you drunk quickly, it can cost you more money, it can get you sick and it can also lead to excess calories being consumed. The best way to drink beer is to take it nice and slow. Sip drinks instead of gulping, and avoid chugging competitions at all costs.
Exercise can apply to both smokers, beer drinkers and people who do both. This is a proven way to lose weight no matter what your situation is. Aerobic exercise helps increase circulation and burns calories that lead to weight loss. Weight training leads to muscle gain, which can increase metabolism and contribute to weight loss. In both of these situations, 30 minutes of exercise five or more days a week would kick-start a weight-loss goal. After a few weeks and some positive changes are being made, the temptation to quit might even manifest itself.
Food Regulation
Food has a lot to do with extra weight when it comes to drinking. Food that is found at bars is often deep-fried and high in saturated fats. When alcohol is consumed alongside these high calorie foods, the end result is weight gain. A way to avoid this is to stay away from the wings, the cheese fries, the nachos, the pepperoni pizza and the burgers. It never hurts to ask for a healthy preparation to be made. For example, deep-fried vegetables are raw before they are coated with breading and thrown into the fryer.
The diet should also be honored when not drinking or smoking. Processed foods that are high in saturated fat will add up after a while. The diet should consist of foods that are nutrient-dense, high in fiber and loaded with vitamins such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, seeds, nuts, beans and whole grains.
One last tip on eating late at night. This is a time that the metabolism has slowed down and the body wants to sleep. Feeding it high amounts of food after drinking high amounts of liquid calories can lead to high amounts of fat on the body. Eliminating these late-night binges can help reduce weight.