Healthiest Foods for Weight Loss
People who are overweight are at a higher risk of developing diseases including stroke, type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer. Following the food pyramid can help you lose weight by eating the right foods in the right portions, lessening your risk of developing such health risks.
The food pyramid contains five sections: grains, vegetables, fruit, milk and meat and beans. To achieve weight-loss results, and better health, eat mainly whole grains and a variety of fruits and vegetables, low-fat or fat-free dairy products and lean proteins each day.
The Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health has taken the food pyramid a step further. Its Healthy Eating Pyramid advocates choosing healthy fats like olive oil and cutting way back on American staples such as sugar-laden drinks, refined grains and red meat.
Staying Satisfied
Many nutrition experts, recommend filling up on fruits and vegetables because they fill your tummy without piling on the calories.
Bottom Line
Eating too much of even the healthiest foods likely won't lead to weight loss. Paying attention to portion sizes and caloric needs also is important.