Low-Fat High Fiber Detox Diet

Everyone knows to eat their fruits and vegetables, but few of us actually do it. In an increasingly unhealthy world, there are things we can do to bolster our immune system, improve our quality of life, and increase our longevity. Eating a diet low in fat, high in fiber, and designed to detoxify the body does all of this.
  1. What is a Detox Diet?

    • Commonly referred to as a detox diet, a diet constructed to detoxify the body removes toxins through methods of introduction or reduction. The spectrum for detox diets is broad, but generally these diets seek to remove free radicals and pollutants that accumulate over time within the body. With a detox diet, toxins are able to leave the body through elimination and sweat more rapidly. This is done universally through increased water intake, reduced fat and salt intake, increased fiber intake, and selective protein intake. Many times, a detox diet may be structured with certain food groups absent. For example, a diet may require the complete elimination of dairy or meat. Some go so far as to insist only fruits, vegetables and tea or water may be consumed. Such diets are usually limited to a short period of time, and can be dangerous if done improperly. The safest and most effective detox diet is one that is low in fat and high in fiber.

    Benefits of a Low-Fat, High-Fiber Detox Diet

    • Our world is increasingly reliant on the synthetic and unnatural, and our bodies are constantly bombarded with toxins. These toxins not only impair quality of life, but also diminish longevity. To enhance quality of life, it is important to detoxify from time to time to operate optimally. A few immediate results of decreasing free radicals are increased energy, improved mood, digestive regularity, reduced appetite and strengthened immune system. More long-term results include a reduced risk of cancer and heart disease and a longer life expectancy. As previously stated, a low-fat, high-fiber detox diet is one of the most safe and effective detox diets. High amounts of fiber help to cleanse the colon, where toxin build up is most common, without the dangerous side effects of colon cleanse treatments or supplements. This is because fibrous foods are bulkier, and as they pass through the intestines they "scrub" off toxins. Free radicals and pollutants attach themselves to the fibrous foods, so they are expelled from the body. Not only to fibrous foods take up more space in the stomach, making you feel more full even after ingesting fewer calories, but bowel movement happens more frequently, aiding in weight loss. Fat buildup will almost always slow the release of toxins from the body, so reducing fat intake will greatly aid in toxin removal. Luckily, high fiber foods also tend to have very little to no fat in them.

    Getting Started

    • Generally, a high-fiber, low-fat detox diet will last anywhere from three days to three weeks. This varies based on personal assessment; the higher the toxicity level of the body, the longer the detox should be. If done once a month, detoxing should extend no longer than three days, but if this is the first time detoxing has been attempted, at least two weeks should be undertaken. Be sure to discuss plans with your physician if you have pre-existing health conditions. First, focus on the fiber. Although it is possible to purchase fiber supplements that may be added to beverages or other food substances at almost any grocery store, the human body is much more responsive to foods that naturally contain high quantities of fiber. It is best to stay as natural as possible when detoxing. Choose foods with the fewest ingredients possible that have been grown or raised with pesticides, antibiotics or additives. Whole fruits and vegetables are the best combination of vitamins, natural sugars, antioxidants and fiber. For protein, stay away from meat as much as possible for the duration of the program.(If you simply must have meat, eat sparingly and purchase the grass-fed or free-range variety). Opt instead for nuts and legumes. Most importantly, drink at least six servings of water each day. Tea may also be ingested, and the teas with highest antioxidant count are black or green teas. If sweetened, use only honey. Also try to incorporate low-impact exercise to expedite toxin expulsion.

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