Daily Weight Loss Tips
Eat Fewer Calories
To achieve a slimmer body, altering your eating habits is crucial. Eating a high-fat or high-calorie diet results in extra pounds. You can lose these pounds by making simple modifications. For starters, choose low-fat foods such as lean meats, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other low-calorie alternatives. Limit your carb intake to fewer than 150 grams a day, and eliminate sugar from your diet. Pay attention to food labels when grocery shopping, and choose snacks and meals with a low-calorie and low-fat content. Safely losing weight consists of shedding only 1 to 2 lbs. a week. You can achieve this by reducing your calorie intake by 500 calories a day.
Be Active
Daily physical activity is essential to weight loss. If you can't work out ever day, simple things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or choosing a far-off parking space burns extra fat and calories. Your daily workout plan might include aerobic workouts, brisk walking, running, swimming, biking or playing sports. If possible, devote at least 30 minutes to exercise a day. Along with helping you achieve and maintain a healthy weight, daily exercise improves your mental well-being and reduces your risk of certain illnesses, including diabetes and heart disease.
Drink Water
The health benefits of water are endless. Water cleanses the body and removes toxins while it hydrates your cells. It's also a natural diuretic. Fluid retention, or water weight, can result in extra pounds. However, drinking at least eight glasses of water a day can flush fluids from your body, taking that excess weight along. Additionally, reducing your sodium intake to less than 1,500 mg a day can combat water weight. If you take birth control pills or a prescription steroid--which may also result in fluid retention--talk to your doctor about a prescription diuretic.