Ways to Lose Belly Fat

Belly fat can be a problem for both men and women, and can be hard to lose. Although many diet pills on the market claim that they will make you lose belly fat in a very short period of time, they are typically bad for your body and can cause other health problems. Fortunately, there are other ways to lose belly fat that are very effective and good for your system as well.
  1. Starting a Workout Plan

    • Working out the body will increase cardiovascular health, build muscle mass and increase the body's metabolism, all of which will help the body shed excess weight easier. Find a workout activity that is right for you. Low-impact, highly aerobic workouts can be a great place to start, such as swimming, cycling, or fast walking. 30 minutes per day, a few days per week, is all that you need to do when you are first starting out. Over time, you can gradually increase your workout time to 1 hour per day.

    Eating Whole Foods

    • Replace any processed or packaged foods with natural, whole foods that contain higher levels of vitamins and nutrients. Whole foods include fresh produce, lean cuts of meat, like chicken or pork, and whole grains, like oats or rice. One positive side effect that will happen when you eat whole foods, instead of processed foods, is that you will feel more satisfied for longer periods of time, decreasing the overall daily caloric intake.

    Increasing Water Intake

    • Water is a necessary element to weight loss and burning off belly fat. Water will hydrate the internal organs and systems, making the endocrine system work better, thereby increasing metabolism. When metabolism increases, the body will be better able to burn off calories and excess fat stored in the body. Try to make sure that you drink at least 64 ozs. of pure water every day, and even more if your are participating in a rigorous fitness routine.

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