Overnight Weight Loss Tips
Increase Your Fiber Intake
In short, fiber makes you feel full faster. Therefore, increasing the amount of fiber in your diet will help you to prevent overeating. Fiber will also help you to digest your foods more effectively and, in turn, will ensure that you continue to feel full and have a higher level of energy for a longer period of time.
Workout Early in the Morning
Your body will use one of two things for energy: carbohydrates or fat. When you wake up in the morning, having not yet eaten, your body will not have any carbohydrates left to use as fuel for your workout. Your body will instead use stored fat to energize your workout. Make sure you work out before you eat. If you must eat, wait at least an hour before attempting to workout - otherwise your stomach (which needs blood for digestion) and muscles (which need blood circulation to work properly) will be fighting your spleen for blood supply. Your muscles will lose the battle, causing uncomfortable cramping.
Eat Breakfast
People trying to lose weight have a tendency to skip breakfast. The problem is that eating breakfast helps to jump-start your metabolism, making it easy for your body to burn fat throughout the day. The other problem is that the longer you go without eating the more your body begins to fear starvation. When you finally do eat your body will store excess fat in reserve in anticipation of the next time it has to go without food.
Avoid Soda
Anyone trying to lose weight should immediately eliminate soda from his daily routine. Even diet sodas, with zero calories, can cause weight gain because the artificial sweeteners cause you to crave other sweet foods. A person who replaces soda with water can lose up to two pounds a week from this one action alone.
Eat Smaller Meals
If you eat 5-6 small meals per day instead of three large ones you will boost your body's metabolism. Your smaller meals should be more focused--one protein meal, one carbohydrate meal, one vegetable meal. Because these meals are smaller and more focused your body will have an easier time digesting your food and the shorter period of time between meals will keep your metabolism from dropping as much.