Rapid Weight Loss Help
Drinking water to achieve rapid weight loss is a well-known tactic--one that works very well. Sodas and juices are often laden with calories and are some of the biggest contributors of weight gain. Drink 8 glasses of water every day. This will cleanse the toxins from your body and keep you hydrated. Toxins include residue from alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs, bacteria and yeast that have settled inside your body. So along with purifying your body, drinking water makes your stomach feel full, reducing the urge to eat as much.
You can eat more than three times per day. However, in order to lose weight rapidly, you must cut back on your normal consumption. To boost your metabolism and shed fat rapidly, eat low-fat, protein-filled foods such as meat, fish, nuts and beans. Though you must reduce your calorie intake in order to lose weight quickly, do so wisely.
Do not dramatically cut your calorie intake, because to compensate for a lack of calories, your body will have to utilize all the available calories, which will reduce your metabolism. Do not drink alcohol, as it prohibits the fat-burning process and encourages fat storage. You can also try a low Glycemic Index (GI) diet. By consuming high amounts of vegetables and fruits that have a low GI ranking, your body quickly burns more fat and calories.
If you lose weight without exercising, your will skin will suffer from sagging. This is one of the reasons why diet plus exercise is so highly recommended. Exercise can help to build muscles, but if you are aiming for rapid weight loss, it is best to create a weight lifting routine instead. Not only does lifting weights encourage weight loss, it speeds up your metabolism as well. If you choose to do traditional exercise, refrain from lengthy workout sessions. Break up your sessions in segments. For example, walk or jog for 15 minutes in the mornings, walk again during lunch period for 15 minutes, and exercise for a few more minutes in the evenings. Though losing weight quickly is definitely possible, you must be committed in order to see results.