The Fastest & Safest Way to Lose Water Weight
Drink it to Lose It
Drinking water is one of the simplest ways to help jump-start your body into losing any excess water weight your body might be holding. If you don't drink enough water, you body may 'think' you're going to dehydrate, so it will hold onto any water it ingests. A good measure of how much water to drink is to drink at least your body weight in water ounces. If you weigh 200 lbs., you should drink 200 oz. of water, which is approximately 25 8-oz. cups of water or 12 1/2 16-oz. bottles of water.
Potassium, Magnesium & Calcium
Making sure you're getting enough of the minerals potassium, magnesium and calcium also can help regulate your body to lose excess water weight. Eating a banana a day, eating a serving of nuts or green vegetables and a serving of yogurt or orange juice should be enough for your body's needs. Just adding servings of these types of foods can help jump-start your water weight loss in a flash.
No Salt and Low Fat
Lastly, to help lose excess water weight, cut your salt intake down or eliminate it completely. Your body gets the amount of sodium it needs from eating a normal diet, without adding salt to your foods. Also, cutting down on your fat intake helps your body release water weight. Taking the skin off your chicken before you cook it, baking foods and replacing fats in desert recipes with applesauce are a few ways to help reduce your fat intake.