The Ideal Diet
Meetings and groups
Some of the most popular diets are connected with meetings or groups. Jenny Craig has counselors that meet with you, as well as a pre-made food program. Weight Watchers has weekly meetings as one of its features. Overeaters Anonymous has been around for years, with good results for a lot of people. If group support is important to you, one of these methods could be the way to go.
Online plans
If you enjoy being online a larger part of your day, or if you are online frequently and are very comfortable with the computer, an online plan could be the one for you. Sparkpeople is an entire online community, with blogs, groups, diet plans, recipes, tools for tracking food and exercise, virtual rewards, and much more. Fitday has a similar plan with diet and tracking tools. Self Magazine and the Discovery Channel are just two of the many commercial sites that offer free diet plans and support sites. If you are online a lot, this could be an easy way to fit your diet into your day.
Going it alone
If you simply want to lose weight on your own, there are a lot of different ways to try it. The Atkins Diet has lots of supporters, concentrating on restricting carbohydrates in your menu. Restricted calorie diets simply ask you to count calories for everything you eat throughout the day. There are a myriad of diet books and plans out now, so a trip to the local library or bookstore would be a good idea. And always check with your physician before starting any weight loss plan. She may have advice for you as well.