Fastest Way for Teens to Lose Weight & Gain Muscle
Raw Foods
Eat raw foods in large amounts. Raw vegetables such as lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, apples, oranges, bananas and grapes are low in calories but high in vitamins and amino acids that will help a teenager to burn fat. Raw vegetables contain high levels of amino acids such as L-arginine, L-glutamine and L-lysine, which will increase thermogenic activity in the body. Although it is not always safe for teens to take these in supplement form, they can be safely obtained from food sources. In addition, these foods can be eaten in large quantities because of the low calorie content.
Drink at least 64 ounces of ice water daily. Ice water helps to increase metabolism when the body has to work harder to bring the water to core temperature. An increased metabolism means quicker calorie burn. Water will also help you to feel full and decrease hunger signals because of dehydration.
Fast Food
Stay away from vending machines and fast-food restaurants. These foods contain saturated fat and can contribute to weight gain. Teenagers sometimes develop the bad habit of choosing these quick foods because they are busy and do not feel they have time for healthy eating. Put healthy snacks such as pretzels, apples, bananas or popcorn in small baggies that you can carry with you when you are out with your friends. In addition, choose water or low-calorie drinks over soda. You will lose weight fastest if you limit your calories to the FDA-recommended amount of 2,000 to 2,500 for females and 2,500 to 3,000 for males.
Avoid carbohydrates such as pasta, potatoes and bread, which can contribute to weight gain. Try to limit these to less than 40 grams per day. Check food labels before eating to avoid overeating carbohydrates. The majority of your carbohydrates should be consumed in the form of raw vegetables and fruits. Go with your parents or caregiver to the grocery store, and help pick the food you want to eat.
Eat protein to increase muscle growth. Protein sources include meats, eggs, cheese, beans and vegetables. Fish such as salmon and trout are good sources of protein that contain very little fat. Choose lean sources of meat to avoid weight gain and contribute to muscle growth. Limit cheese to less than 3 grams per day to avoid fat accumulation.
Perform fun activities that will burn calories and help you lose weight fast. For instance, you might join your basketball, track, cheerleading or football teams at school. In addition, you can take advantage of any free programs for students that might be offered by local community centers. Activities like kickboxing, jogging, running, tennis, racquetball, spinning and dancing burn a substantial amount of calories. If your parents belong to a gym, find out whether you can be added to their membership or get a student discount. Try to get some friends to join with you so you can motivate each other.
Weight Training
Do eight to 10 repetitions of at least three sets when you do weight-bearing workouts. The last three repetitions should be difficult for maximum muscle growth. Avoid extremely heavy weights to avoid injury. Be sure you ask a personal trainer or someone trained in lifting before you begin working with weights. When lifting weights, movement should always be slow and controlled. Never swing weights, and do not lift with your back. Lift less weight and use more repetition for leaner muscle. According to, the best weight-lifting exercises for teens to build muscle mass overall are the bench press, squat and dead lift. When these exercises have been mastered, more specific weight-lifting moves can be added to increase muscle definition. Younger teens, ages 13 to 14, should stick with light weights to avoid injury. Older teens should work with moderately heavy weights after they have learned proper techniques. The key to building muscle is using correct form when lifting weights.