How to Lose Belly Fat Quickly

It seems like almost everyone wants to lose belly fat. And some of the main reason that so many people have problems with belly fat, is because of our busy stressful lifestyle and high carb processed foods. This article will show you how to lose belly fat quickly and easily.


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      Probably the fastest way to lose belly fat is to go on a low carb diet.
      On a low carb diet the belly fat is always the first to go, in fact it almost seems to melt away. But if you don't want to go to that extreme try cutting in half your usual consumption of carbs and you'll still lose the belly fat at a good rate but not quite as fast as the low carb diet.

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      Instead of eating three meals a day try eating five smaller healthy meals. This will help to balance insulin levels and speed up your metabolism.

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      Get plenty of sleep and cut back on stress. Both of these are crucial when you're trying to lose stubborn belly fat. The reason for this is because when you're under stress your body produces the stress hormone cortisol. And cortisol causes your body to store fat around the midsection.

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      Take at least fifteen minutes each day to relax and destress. This will cut down greatly on the amount of cortisol that your body produces and help to promote belly fat loss.

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      To burn more fat while exercising try interval training. Interval training is high intensity exercises followed by a period of rest. This
      along with abdominal exercises such as crunches and yoga works well to help you lose stubborn belly fat.

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