Fastest Way for Teens to Lose Weight
Get Support
Before you begin your diet, talk to your parents and tell them how you feel and what you want to accomplish. Then ask them if they will help you on your journey. Whether this support comes in the form of buying healthier food for you, taking you to see your doctor or a dietitian so you can receive professional guidance or just being there for moral support, the more support you have, the more successful you will be and the quicker you will lose weight.
Trade Drinks
First and foremost, teens should trade some of their normal drinks for nature's drink--water. Many teens are content to drink pop, carbonated juices and canned teas, all filled with sugar and artificial flavors. Swapping just one of these drinks a day for a bottle of water can save as many as 150 calories a day. In addition, water aids the kidneys in flushing out waste so the body can burn fat and fills you up so you aren't so hungry.
Snack Through the Day
Always begin your day with a healthy breakfast; this will help stave off cravings through the day and light a fire under your metabolism. Then be sure you pack two or three healthy snacks to take to school with you. This can be carrot sticks, pretzels or a banana. Having these to eat every 2 to 3 hours will help keep you full, keep your metabolism burning fat and calories, and make it easier for you to not overdo it at dinner.
Eat Only Until You're Full, or Close to It
Many people, especially teens, have a habit of eating past the point of satiety due to many factors including boredom, stress and loneliness. Rather than eating past the point of being full or eating when you're not hungry, engage in an activity such as walking or dancing in your room. Another trick is eating slowly. The stomach doesn't realize how much food is in the stomach until about 20 minutes after you have begun eating. If you eat slower, you give your brain time to catch up to your stomach, resulting in eating just the right amount.
Eating right is only part of the equation when it comes to losing weight. Exercise is necessary as well. The best exercise for losing weight fast is aerobic exercise. This can include walking, bicycling and dancing. If you enjoy sports, join a school sport. If you think you might like yoga, take a yoga class. Whatever you do, choose an activity you like so you'll stick with it at least 5 days a week. Your goal should be 60 minutes of exercise a day, but if you're just beginning, start out slowly and work your way up.