Natural Way to Lose Belly Fat
Apple Cider Vinegar
The properties within apple cider vinegar have been used to treat many conditions, including sore throats, diabetes, digestion issues, and yeast infections. Yet, the use of apple cider vinegar for belly fat reduction is among the most popular. There are more than 90 substances found within apple cider vinegar, which include vitamins C, E, A, B2, and B6. How apple cider vinegar actually reduces belly fat is still under review. Some claim its properties detoxify the liver, which boosts overall weight loss, while others claim it speeds up metabolism and reduces appetite.
To lose belly fat, mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar (organic) with 16 ounces of water. Slowly drink the mixture; never chug the drink as it needs time to be introduced into your body for proper absorption. Drink this mixture three times per day, or before every major meal.
Altering Eating Habits
Belly fat begins to form when more calories are consumed than expelled through physical activity. Reducing overall belly fat begins in the kitchen and ends in the exercise room. Avoid consuming processed foods, which are usually full of sodium and carbohydrates. Instead, eat fresh fruits and vegetables as well as lean meats, such as chicken and fish.
Eating naturally fibrous foods, such as broccoli, papaya, and salads, on a regular basis will aid in calming appetite, which will naturally monitor the total amount of calories you consume. Instead of drinking carbonated sodas, consume mildly sweetened teas. The properties within green tea have been studied for their benefits of speeding metabolism and controlling appetites. Drink up to four cups of mildly sweetened green tea per day for its antioxidant and fat-burning benefits.
Physical Activity
The body utilizes calories as energy during physical exertions. Yet, if physical activity is limited, or nonexistent, then the calories are stored in the body as fat cells, normally within the midsection. Exercising, in almost any form, will boost metabolism rates and begin reducing the size of fat cells in the belly and throughout the body.
Walking, jogging, and any type of aerobics are beneficial for losing belly fat as these exercises call upon the fat cells to give the body energy. Perform at least 20 minutes of physical activity that raises the heart rate five days per week. Always consult a physician before beginning any exercise program, especially if moderate health issues are a concern.