Abdominal Weight Loss Techniques
Genetics determines where our bodies tend to store fat. The only way to remove fat from a particular spot is through cosmetic procedures such as liposuction.
Eating Right
Several diet-related factors influence whether a weight loss plan is successful. The first factor is water intake, as hydrating the body ensures it is being flushed of waste and toxins, which can stifle abdominal weight loss. Drinking more than the recommended amount of water will not increase the speed of weight loss and can throw off your body's electrolyte balance and cause water intoxication.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends that individuals drink eight 8-oz. glasses of water per day, and perhaps even more if they exercise strenuously.
A healthy diet is also important in abdominal weight loss. Skipping meals is not a healthy way to lose weight and may actually make it more difficult by slowing the metabolism. The body, in fact, needs energy to lose weight in a healthy manner. Starving yourself will cause your body to burn muscle and can cause complications in the organs.
To determine how much of each food group your body needs, see the FDA guidelines at mypyramid.gov/pyramid/index.html. In general, aim for a diet in which less than 10 percent of your calories are from fat, and eat plenty of lean protein, fiber, fruits and vegetables. In addition, eliminate or reduce alcohol consumption and avoid refined sugars, foods high in sodium and processed foods. A high sodium diet can cause bloating, high blood pressure and kidney stones.
Cardiovascular Exercise
A combination of cardiovascular and weight training exercises will help achieve the best results in abdominal weight loss.
Jogging, walking and bicycling are all popular, low-cost ways to improve your cardiovascular health as long as the workouts last for at least 30 minutes.
If you need a lower impact workout, try swimming. Start with a 30- to 40-minute workout two to three times a week and then build up to four to six times a week. If this becomes comfortable to you increase the length or intensity of your workout.
Strength Training
Strength training will help your cardiovascular workouts become more effective by building muscle. Two popular types are resistance and weight training. To help prevent injury, make sure you stretch and warm up before beginning your workout. If you prefer the gym, there are many machines you can use. Ask the staff to help you choose machines to work your abs.
If you prefer working out at home, invest in a pair of dumbbells and/or exercise bands. Building lean muscle aids in abdominal weight loss. Exercise your body in groups (core, upper body, lower body) two to three times a week. Alternate which groups you work each day so that by the end of the week you have worked on your entire body.
Make sure you are also doing core strength training at least once a week to tighten your abdominal muscles. Don't worry if you are losing only one to three pounds a week---anywhere in that range is healthy---as lasting results are more common in people who lose weight slowly.