How to Get Rid of a Double Chin for Men

The dreaded double chin is impossible to hide and can seem impossible to get rid of. A double chin develops for a few reasons. If you are younger, it is because of weight gain. As you age, your skin sags and your muscles lose some of their youthful tone which can also lead to a double chin.
To get rid of a double chin, you need to focus on losing weight along with tightening the skin and toning the muscles of the neck and jaw. This can be achieved in a variety of ways. Even if you have a predisposition toward gaining fat in your neck, you can still get rid of your double chin.

Things You'll Need

  • Weightlifting belt Sugarless chewing gum
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  1. Get Rid of a Double Chin for Men

    • 1

      Change to a well-balanced diet that is higher in protein and lower in saturated fats and starchy carbohydrates. This will allow you to lose weight across your entire body. The high protein will promote muscle growth which will lead to an increased metabolism and further weight loss.

    • 2

      Begin a good exercise regimen that includes cardiovascular exercises like running as well as weight training to help tighten and tone the muscles of your entire body. Even when you are working other muscles of the body, your neck and jaw muscles are working statically or in some instances as secondary movers.

    • 3

      Spend some of your gym time on a group of exercises that specifically target your neck muscles. Most gyms will have a neck extension machine that will allow you to perform four basic neck exercises.
      To perform the first exercise you simply put your forehead against a pad on the machine. While keeping your body immobile and straight up and down you press forward with your neck muscles until your chin touches the top of your chest and then slowly allow your head to come back to a straight up and down position. Perform this exercise to the front and the back. There should also be a machine that allows you to perform the exercise to both the left and right side.

    • 4

      Perform platysma exercises at home. The reason you should perform this exercise at home is because you look silly doing it in public. This exercise is performed by opening your mouth wide and stretching your jaw and lower lip above the top row of your teeth. It results in a silly face, but it does exercise the platysma muscle that runs along your chin and down the neck. By toning this muscle you can help to get rid of a double chin.

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      Keep a good posture. By slouching in your seat or while standing, you create slack in your jaw muscles. Continued bad posture can help to increase the looseness of the skin and muscles around the neck. Good posture can help with back problems as well.

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      Start chewing gum on a regular basis. Gum chewing works the muscles of the neck and jaw and can help to keep them toned. You should stick to sugar free gum to prevent tooth decay. Chewing gum is habit that will exercise your jaw line and help to get rid of a double chin for a man.

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