Easy Ways to Burn Calories
At Work
If you are heading to work every morning, you have plenty of easy opportunities to burn some calories. Begin by parking in the farthest space from your office, so that you walk a little more to get to the building. When you reach the building, decide to take the stairs instead of hopping on the elevator. By 9 a.m., you've found two easy ways to burn calories. On your coffee break, take a minute to walk around the office instead of standing by the water cooler with co-workers. And next time you need to tell a co-worker something, walk to his or her desk instead of sending an e-mail. Any chance to get your body moving is an easy chance to burn calories.
At Home
Begin burning calories at home by keeping it clean. Vacuuming and dusting keep your house looking great and burn calories. While watching television, do something active, like a few minutes on home workout equipment or doing crunches through the commercial breaks. If you have children, enlist them to help you burn calories as you get down on the floor and play with them. Instead of being a passive parent, actively engage in their games of wrestling and playing with cars as a way to burn a few extra calories without even noticing.
For countless ways to easily burn calories, simply head outside. Spend an afternoon cultivating your garden or institute an after-dinner walk with a dog or a loved one. Not only will it help you digest your food, but its a pain-free and easy way to burn calories. Instead of using a fancy ride-on mower, cut your grass with a push mower. Or simply take an opportunity to get out and play. Whether it's a pick-up game of basketball or a round of jump rope with your daughter, burning calories doesn't have to mean hours at the gym or out on the track.