Guide to Lose Weight
Drink Plenty of Water
Water is nature's weight-loss gift to us. It is the single most important component when it comes to losing weight, for a variety of reasons. It acts as an appetite suppressant, keeping you full between meals. It also prevents dehydration, which can cause false cravings and hunger pains. Water flushes waste from the kidneys, which helps the body metabolize stored fat, and drinking water when it is ice cold burns more calories; this is because the body has to work harder to raise the temperature of the water to the temperature of the body.
Increase Your Fiber
Fiber not only keep you feeling full, it also helps keep your digestive and bowel systems regular. Because it can't be digested, it moves easily out of the body, taking with it protein and fat it attaches to along the way. This process results in the reduction of calories. Good sources of fiber include strawberries, brown rice, whole grain bread, apples, figs, and broccoli.
Eat Frequently
Eating five to six small meals a day is better for weight loss than three larger meals. It is important to begin with a good breakfast; this meal will jump-start your metabolism and should be eaten within an hour of waking. The rest of your snacks and meals should be alternated and spaced 2 to 3 hours apart. Eating smaller meals more often not only wards off cravings, but also keeps your metabolism high, burning more calories and fat through the day.
Increase Your Protein
Everyone should eat between 50 and 65 grams of protein a day. Not only does protein help keep you feeling full, it also balances out the effects of the carbohydrates. It helps prevent the insulin spikes caused by the carbs that cause sugar cravings and dips in energy levels. Protein also helps build and maintain muscle mass; the more muscle you have the more fat and calories you will burn. Good sources of protein include fish, skinless chicken breast, egg whites, and low-fat yogurt.