Easiest Way to Lose Weight for Free
Before Meal
It is important to realize that in order to reap the best results from drinking water for weight loss, it must be done 20 to 30 minutes before your meal. This allows your body time to absorb the water into your stomach and give a sense of fullness. This sense of fullness, in turn, will cause you to eat less. Drinking a glass of water prior to your meal is a natural appetite suppressant, according to Melina Jampolis, MD of CNN.
Throughout Day
If you want to receive even greater benefits from drinking water, simply start drinking more water throughout the day. This helps you lose weight in a variety of ways. It will help you to drink less carbonated, sugary drinks. According to Donald Robertson, M.D., drinking water will lead to not eating other sugary or salty snack foods since your appetite will be decreased. Overall, drinking water will benefit your health.
Other Benefits
In addition to providing a feeling of fullness and subsequent weight loss, drinking water before your meal and/or throughout the day will help your body in other beneficial ways. Your skin will benefit by having better color and flexibility due to increased hydration, your kidneys and liver will function better causing more toxins to be flushed from your body. Water provides a natural cleanser. Plus, you will experience an improved muscle tone throughout your body. That is not bad for just drinking an extra 8-oz. glass of water prior to your meal.
If you absolutely dislike drinking plain water, try adding some fresh lemon or lime wedges to your glass of water. (These fruits are also effective natural weight loss foods). This is a cheap way of making your own flavored water.