Symptoms of Weight Loss Fatigue
What Causes Weight Loss Fatigue?
To understand weight loss fatigue, we need to first look at the process of weight loss. Each pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories. Therefore, in order to lose weight an individual has three options: reduce calorie intake by 3,500 calories (for each pound of fat loss sought), increase exercise activity enough to work off the weight, or combine both approaches. However, medical professionals recommend no more than 1/2 to 2 pounds of weight loss per week; otherwise, you risk weight loss fatigue and other complications.
Weight Loss Fatigue Symptoms and Other Complications
When an individual drastically cuts the daily calories he consumes in order to lose weight more quickly (more than 2 pounds per week, less than that in some specific health cases), he risks experiencing several weight loss fatigue symptoms (low energy, mental difficulty, depression) as well as other health complications (formation of Gallstones). If the calories that she does choose to eat has limited or insufficient nutrient content, that can cause symptoms too.
Low Energy Symptom of Fatigue
Without the daily intake of the total number of calories needed, the body is unable to produce the fuel it needs to operate at an optimum level in our muscles, heart, lungs and other important organs. Therefore, one of the first fatigue symptoms experienced by those losing weight is a lower energy level.
For some people, this low energy level can appear with a mere 250 daily calorie reduction; for others, it might take a 500 (or higher) daily calorie reduction. The low energy problem can serve as a red flag to aid dieters in realizing that they need to raise their calorie count slightly to see if the symptom then disappears. Otherwise, they may have a different medical problem causing the condition.
Memory and Thought Problem Symptoms
Without a balanced nutritional diet being consumed each day, the brain cannot function as it should, or as speedily. This results in unclear thinking processes, such as forgetting where you put the keys to the car or that you have an appointment at a certain time. In an effort to help people better understand their daily nutritional needs, the Department of Agriculture replaced their old Food Pyramid chart with an interactive one (see the Resource Section). The new one better aids people of all ages and conditions in understanding their daily nutritional needs.
Emotional Symptoms
A person's emotions can be affected by weight loss too, causing a sense of apathy (an indifference to situations that are going on around them at work, school or home). This occurs when vital nutrients are not present in the diet, hindering the brain from functioning properly. If the diet is reduced too much nutritionally, the Serotonin levels in the brain can be affected even more and result in more serious depressive symptoms.