Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat for Women
Women ride a hormonal roller-coaster every month, and a week before menstruating, progesterone levels peak. Not only does this mess with your mood, it also tells your body to start storing fluids in the midsection in preparation for reproduction. Once your period starts, these fluids are no longer stored since they are not needed to support a pregnancy. This can give the appearance of a bigger belly for a week, but you can encourage those fluids to get moving by staying active and keeping a close eye on what you eat since these hormones also make you feel more hungry.
Eating Right
Studies are showing that whole grains and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) can help dieters lose as much as double the amount of belly fat than dieters who don't include them. The fiber in whole grains helps you feel full longer, staving off hunger and cravings. And the MUFAs have been shown to target belly fat while also lowering cholesterol. Look for whole grains in cereals, breads, quinoa, and rice, and MUFAs in avocado, olive oil, nuts, and even dark chocolate.
Losing fat anywhere on the body can be sped up by burning calories and building muscle through an exercise routine. Activities like running or jumping rope burn the most calories, but it is also important to incorporate muscle-building exercises like weight lifting or resistance training. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn. This essentially results in a higher metabolism, which will allow you to start burning more calories and trimming up your waistline.