How to Get Rid of Extra Fat on the Stomach
Things You'll Need
- Mat for Crunches (Just an idea of healthy foods that movie star Jessica Alba recommends while following her South Beach Diet...) Lean Meats Low-Fat Cheeses Fruits Vegetables Whole Grains
Healthy Eating
Consult a doctor to ensure that you do not have any deficiencies or problems that may be worsened by changing your diet. Also, ask your doctor for tips to help you monitor your intake of calories, carbohydrates and fats.
Keep a daily log, recording what you eat. Websites (such as and offer nutritional data and online journals for entering into your log. Focus on tracking the amount of fat, calories and carbohydrates you eat each day.
Calculate the percent daily values you consume each day. You can find this information on the box or package of the food you eat. A healthy diet should reach but not exceed 100 percent.
Determine your ideal daily caloric intake with the help of a website like This number is calculated based on height, weight, age and gender. Typically, the option to determine whether you are aiming to lose, maintain or gain weight is also available.
Do not disregard other nutritional guidelines while focusing on calories, carbohydrates and fats. Keep in mind that everything you put into your body serves a purpose, and your body needs 100 percent of these nutrients to function properly.
Work out at least three days every week for 30 minutes each day. By doing this, you will not only reduce body fat but also strengthen and tone your body.
According to, even stars like Jessica Alba recognize that old-fashioned crunches are the best workout for a flabby stomach. They should be integrated into every workout routine. Different variations can modify the type of crunch. Do at least 75 crunches per workout to see results.
Targeting only the stomach area may seem sufficient, but MSN Health and Fitness also recommends cardio to help reduce fat. At least one day a week, use your exercise time to walk, jog, run, bike or swim--but do not forget to do your crunches as well.
Lift weights to gain more muscle. The more muscle your body builds, the more calories you are able to burn throughout the day because the more work you are able to exert, according to MSN Health and Fitness.
Keep in mind that the more exercise you do, the faster you will see results. Exercise for as long as you please and as often as you please but be sure you are doing so safely and remaining hydrated. According to Consumer Affairs, drinking plenty of water and frequently exercising both help to speed up the metabolism.