How to Burn 500 Calories a Day
Things You'll Need
- Sneakers Comfortable workout clothes Water
Take up racquetball, skiing, backpacking, or lap swimming. According to, the average 160-pound person can burn 511 calories in an hour by participating in any of these activities. The key is to find a vigorous, calorie-busting exercise you enjoy.
Take the stairs rather than the elevator. According to Reader's Digest, this simple change in your routine will burn (depending on your weight) 100 to 140 calories in approximately two minutes. Five trips on the stairs and you will meet or exceed your 500-calorie goal.
Deliver messages to your co-workers in person, rather than by e-mail or telephone. Park as far from your office as you can, and walk in. An extra mile of walking can burn 100 calories.
Clean your house. Approximately an hour and half to two hours of intense vacuuming, polishing and mopping can trim away 500 calories.