How to Lose Lovehandles
Lower your caloric intake. In order to effectively lose fat, allowing you to lose your love handles, you must burn more calories than you consume each day. Determine the number of calories you can consume daily by using an online calorie calculator. You'll need to enter your age, gender, height, weight and activity level to get your results.
Get cardiovascular exercise. In order to burn more calories daily, you must get cardiovascular exercise. Choose vigorous activities like jogging, aerobics, swimming, cycling and dancing to torch calories. Get at least 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise daily to burn more calories and lose your love handles more quickly.
Incorporate weight lifting into your workout regime. When you lift weights, you tone and build muscles, helping to boost your metabolism and support your weight loss efforts. Since you're seeking to lose your love handles, make sure to practice exercises that work your core muscles. As a result, your lower back and midsection will look more toned and smoother. Try side crunches, which work your obliques. Lie flat on your back with your knees bent. Lower both knees down to one side and perform basic crunches in this position, lifting your shoulders off the floor. After you've completed a series of 10 to 20 crunches, switch your knees to the opposite side and repeat the series.
Remain committed to your diet and exercise regime. Initially, you may lose weight off other body parts, which may be frustrating. If you stick with it, you will eventually lose weight off your lower back and midsection, helping to eliminate your love handles.
Get liposuction. Liposuction is a common cosmetic surgery used to remove love handles. A plastic surgeon makes a small incision on either side of your lower back. He then inserts a suctioning device, which essentially vacuums up fat cells in the area. As with any surgery, there are risks associated with liposuction. Discuss the pros and cons of your situation with a reputable cosmetic surgeon.
Consider ultrasound body sculpting. This procedure would release energy into your love handles, helping to break up fat cells in the area. Most dermatologists perform this procedure, using ultrasound devices to do so. Generally, a series of treatments are needed to effectively treat love handles.