How to Get a Slim Waistline
Avoid eating late at night. Eat your last meal at least four hours before going to bed. Eating late at night has a tendency to cause weight gain, especially in the stomach area.
Do both strength training and aerobic exercises. Burning calories and increasing muscle mass are the best ways to get a slim waistline. Do aerobic exercises for 20 minutes or more at least five times a week, and do strength training exercises for at least 30 minutes three times a week.
Do abdominal exercises. Get a video or buy an ab machine to help get an ab workout. Keep in mind that if you're overweight, ab exercises aren't enough--you also need to lose weight to get a slim waistline.
Avoid alcohol and carbonated beverages, which they cause weight gain around the middle. Drink plenty of water instead. Water will help detox your body and reduce retained water from too much sodium intake.
Avoid junk food. Eat a diet high in protein and complex carbohydrates. Choose lean protein from foods like fish and chicken. Complex carbohydrates are found in fruits, vegetables and whole-grain breads and cereals.
Reduce stress. Stress causes your body to increase cortisol levels and signals your body to go into the fight-or-flight mode. These effects, genetically passed down from ancestors to deal with stress, cause your body to increase production of fat around your waistline to prepare for a possible food shortage.
Make sure you're getting enough vitamins and minerals every day. Take daily supplements. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies, especially in amino acids, can trigger weight gain around your waist.
Work on good posture. Standing up straight will help your waistline look slimmer.
To give all your other efforts a little help, you can achieve the image of a slimmer waistline by wearing a girdle or other elastic garment made for this purpose. Just keep in mind that elastic is not substitute for shedding real pounds and inches.