Weight Loss Eating Plans
While obesity was once admired as a sign of success and wealth in many parts of the world, the modern image of beauty and health is a slim and athletic physique. Diet plans have traditionally been based largely on the marketability of quick weight loss promises, but scientists have steadily been creating a body of evidence on what actually works.
Many fad diets involve cutting out entire food groups (Atkins), or solid food altogether (Master Cleanse). Be wary of any diet plan that drastically limits your intake of real food; not only are the diets hard to stick to, but they also tend to focus entirely on short-term results. An example of a healthy, realistic eating plan is the Mediterranean diet, which focuses on eating more vegetables, whole grains, and fish, while limiting meat and dairy.
A good diet is a personalized diet. Establish weight loss goals for yourself, and adjust your calorie intake and exercise in order to meet those goals. There is only one way to lose weight: burn more calories than you consume.
Diet and Exercise
Increase the amount of vegetables and whole grains in your meals, and eat less meat, dairy and processed foods. This will maximize the fiber and nutrients your body needs, while minimizing your overall calorie intake.
A combination of diet and exercise has proven to be the most effective means of keeping weight off in the long term. Increase your physical activity in addition to eating well.
Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is not just about looking your best, it's about living better and longer. Obesity has been linked with an increased chance of developing heart disease, diabetes, various cancers, strokes and a host of other health problems.
Many fad diets promise quick, dramatic results instead of healthy, long-term weight maintenance. A common result of fad diets is the "yo-yo" effect, in which weight is lost and put back on in a cyclical fashion. This rapid gain and loss has proven to be more harmful than not dieting at all. Set modest, achievable goals for yourself, and work steadily towards your ideal weight for long-lasting results.