Things to Eat When Trying to Lose Weight
Eat Nutritiously
You need to keep foods around that will fulfill your nutritional needs. If you try to cut back on food, you will find your body craving food since it is not getting the nutrients it needs. Stay away from processed foods that simply feed your mouth, and then your waistline and look for food as close to their natural state as possible. Think nuts, grains, raw vegetables and fruits, eggs, meat, fish and greens, herbs and spices. Some of these might be high calorie so only eat a few of them and more of the low-calorie types, like vegetables.
Eat Colorfully
Eating is supposed to be enjoyable, and sight is one part of that. Look at bright red cherries, and raspberries, or blueberries and oranges. How about the intense greens of steamed vegetables - they will fill you up and nourish your body, without contributing to weight gain. Their bright color is pleasing to the eye and the flavor is usually just as enjoyable. If you are used to eating artificially colored foods, look for colorful foods to take their place. When you shop, look for variations within food groups--like different colored apples, colored beans, squashes and peppers to help stimulate and satisfy your palate.
East Tastefully
Find food that has wild and crazy flavor. Hot and spicy salsas, lemony vinaigrettes, garlicky humus, gingery stir-fries. Get used to trying Indian curries and Mexican spices. Use reduced vinegars as sauces and fresh garlic and onions in your dressings. Have fun buying new hot sauces to add to your colorful foods. Sprinkle popcorn with hot pepper. If you increase the flavor, the chances of you mindlessly eating will diminish, and, many times, your metabolism will be revved up.