How to Lose Weight Really Fast Without Medicine
Cut your daily caloric intake in half. Eliminate all sweet, junk and fatty foods from your diet. Eat more vegetables, whole grains and lean meats. Limit your sodium intake. Salt causes your body to retain water which in turn causes you to weigh more.
Eat healthy snacks between meals to curb cravings. This will also help you resist the urge to overeat during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Carrot sticks, pretzels and yogurt are some good options.
Drink six to eight glasses of water a day. Studies by the Oakland Research Institute have found that drinking lots of water consistently promotes loss of body weight and excess fat.
Do some form of cardiovascular exercise for at least 30 to 60 minutes every day. Weight training is best if you want to build muscle, but cardiovascular exercise is essential if you want to burn excess fat. Jogging and power walking around your neighborhood are excellent workout choices, especially if you can't make it to the gym.
Get a slimming body wrap at a spa salon. A body wrap is a procedure that involves wrapping the abdomen, hips and thighs in elasticated bandages that have been soaked in amino acids and herbal extracts. Wraps will help you drop excess water weight and a few pounds with every use. This is more of a temporary solution so make sure you continue to eat healthy and get lots of exercise.