How to Lose Water Weight in a Day
Things You'll Need
- Body wrap Raw vegetables Water Green tea Supplement Natural diuretic Chemical diuretic
Get a body wrap. Salon body wraps can cost around $100. They often use caffeine and seaweed in combination with a plastic covering to induce the body to eliminate excess fluids. Many salons that offer this service have the client exercise while the wrap is on the body to increase fat and fluid loss. Body wraps can be purchased and used at home as well.
Eliminate salt and carbohydrates for the day. Do not eat any carbohydrates including pasta, potatoes or bread. In addition, stay away from saturated fat and salty foods. Eat all raw vegetables for the day. Sodium contributes to water retention.
Do not drink any alcohol. Alcohol contributes to bloat. Drink green tea or water instead. Water helps to eliminate excess sodium that may contribute to bloat.
Take a supplement that contains chromium, l-glutamine, l-arginine and lysine. These are all fat burners and will help lessen the appearance of bloat.
Take a natural diuretic. The Mayo Clinic states that dandelion, ginger, and juniper are natural diuretics. The effects of these herbs is relatively mild, but safer than taking a chemical diuretic.
Try a chemical over-the-counter diuretic for one day water weight loss. These products contain chemical substances that induce the body to eliminate water.