The Causes of an Inability to Lose Weight
Many people try and try to lose weight but to no avail. Sometimes psychological reasons are to blame for those who can't lose weight. This often occurs more in women than men. Women who had things happen in childhood, like sexual abuse, cope with what happened by eating. Some will subconsciously eat to become bigger, because they don't want to feel attractive or have unwanted attention turned toward them. They aren't sure what to do about their feelings or how to comfort themselves, so food becomes that comfort. Once they deal with their problems, most often the weight will come off.
One of the main reasons some people can't lose weight is hypothyroidism. The thyroid plays a very important role. It is a gland that lies below the Adam's apple. This gland produces a hormone called thyroxine. Thyroxine regulates heart rate, bowel movements, appetite and metabolism. When there are insufficient levels of thyroxine, the thyroid become underactive. This causes people to become unable to lose weight, because it causes a low metabolism. To treat hypothyroidism, doctors prescribe hormone therapy. Once someone begins taking these hormones, he or she often begins losing weight.
Parasites may be another reason why some are unable to lose weight. Some parasites can live inside the digestive system. They feed on nutrients that are taken into the body. The body then becomes deprived of some of these nutrients. These nutrients are key in balancing blood sugar levels and energy. When this happens, it can cause fatigue and craving for sweats. When these parasites cause this type of imbalance, the brain gets the wrong signal. The brain can cause someone to think he is hungry even when this stomach is full. This will cause a person to overeat and continue to gain weight. If parasites are the problem, medications can be given to kill the parasites.
Lack of Sleep
Two hormones that control appetite and weight loss or gain are called Leptin and Grehlin. Leptin is the hormone that suppresses appetite, and Grehlin increases it. Grehlin may prevent a person from losing weight. When someone doesn't get enough sleep, her Grehlin levels increase, while Leptin decreases. This lack of sleep and these hormones associated with it can cause a person to not lose weight or even become obese.
People can become stressed in everyday life. Bills, work and family are some of the main stresses. When faced with stress, many people tend to overeat or emotional eat to help relieve stress. Stress hormones can also help aid in gaining belly fat. If stress is a part of life and is the reason why some can't lose weight, then managing the stress is important. Find other things to do to unwind, like take a walk, read a book or treat yourself to a massage. These alternatives are a great way to get rid of stress and don't involve eating.