How to Lose 15 Pounds in 4 Weeks
Things You'll Need
- Internet access Access to a gym or cardiovascular equipment and weights Water Healthy food
How to Lose 15 Pounds in Four Weeks
Assess your diet. In order to lose 15 pounds in four weeks, you must cut your caloric intake. Use an online calorie calculator to determine the number of calories you can consume daily to meet your goal weight. This tool will require you to enter personal information such as your age, gender, height, weight and activity level.
Get moving. You'll need to perform daily cardiovascular exercise in order to lose 15 pounds in four weeks. Opt for high-energy forms of exercise that get your heart rate pumping, helping you to torch calories. Running, jogging, power walking, aerobics, dancing and cycling are all good forms of cardiovascular exercise. Aim for at least 45 minutes a day.
Lift weights. If you tone your muscles, you'll boost your metabolism. As a result, you'll burn more calories throughout the entire day, helping you to achieve your weight loss goals. Lift weights three to four times per week.
Drink lots of water. Water helps to cleanse your body, flushing toxins out of it. Since you are seeking to lose weight at a rapid pace, you need the cleansing help. Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day.
Eat more frequently. While you must keep your daily caloric intake within the range you determined, break it up into mini meals. When you eat more frequently, you keep your metabolism elevated, helping you to burn calories more efficiently. For best results, eat every two to three hours.
Make nutritious choices. Opt for fresh, natural foods that are rich in vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants. Avoid processed foods which contain added chemicals, sugars and sodium. These ingredients can pack on extra pounds, thwarting your attempts to lose 15 pounds in four weeks.
Stick to it. Since you are seeking to lose weight within a relatively short time period, you can't afford to lose focus. Remain dedicated for the entire four-week time period and you'll see results.