How to Know When You're Full
Things You'll Need
- Small plate
- Glass of water
Learn to visualize what "full" feels like to you. Mid-meal, stop eating for a moment and ask yourself whether or not the idea of a small, healthy snack in a few hours time sounds appealing. If it sounds disgusting, you may have eaten past your "full" point. Next time you eat, try a smaller portion size and continue dialing your portion size up or down until you find your "full."
Stop eating and smell your food every few bites. Does it still smell good to you? If it does, you may not be full yet. If your food starts to smell dull, greasy, heavy or unappealing, that's a sign that your body is nearing satiation.
Use the waistline of your clothes as a guide. You know how it feels when your belly is pressing uncomfortably against your clothes after a meal? That's a sign that you've probably eaten past your "full." When you're full, you know you could conceivably eat more, but that by doing so you know you'd become uncomfortable.
Chew your food longer. This will help your body digest it better and will also make you think about the number of bites you're taking. Try silently saying the alphabet once through per bite. It takes your stomach around 20 minutes to realize it's full. Chewing your food more slowly and thoughtfully will give you more time to recognize that "full" feeling when it comes.