How to Lose Body Fat in 5 Days
Consume fewer calories daily. In order to lose body fat, you must burn more calories than you consume each day. Since you are seeking to lose body fat in five days, you should cut your caloric intake by at least a few hundred calories daily. You can use a variety of online calorie calculators to determine the number of calories you should consume daily in order to lose weight (see Resources). You'll need to enter your personal specifics into the tools, such as your gender, age, height and weight.
Get moving. In order to lose body fat in five days, you need to burn calories via cardiovascular exercise. Aim for forms of cardio that elevate your heart rate, such as jogging, cycling, swimming or aerbobics. You can also try kickboxing, stair climbing or group sports to burn calories. Try to do at least 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise on each of the five days.
Split up your exercise routine. Rather than working out for one hour, split it up into two 30-minute workouts. Your metabolism is elevated for about an hour after you exercise, helping your body to burn more calories. By exercising at two separate times of the day, you benefit from this metabolism boost more.
Drink plenty of water. Water flushes toxins from your body, helping to cleanse your system. Water also helps you to feel full so you're less likely to snack. Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily.
Eliminate sugar, sodium and alcohol from your diet. Since you are trying to lose body fat in five days, you need to take more extreme measures than you may long term. Sugar contains carbohydrates and empty calories, thwarting your attempts to lose body fat. Alcohol also contains empty calories and lowers willpower, making you more likely to overeat. Sodium causes water retention, making you appear larger than you are.
Eat mini-meals throughout the day. Rather than eating three large meals, split your food consumption up into five or six small meals. This keeps your metabolism going throughout the entire day. Since your body will be burning more calories, you'll lose more body fat in that five-day period.