How to Lose Weight in 10 Weeks
Exercise. Cardiovascular exercise will help you burn calories, expediting your weight loss. Choose exercise that raises your heart rate, such as running, jogging, brisk walking, aerobics, cycling and swimming. Aim to get at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise daily.
Reduce your calorie intake. In order to lose weight, you must burn more calories daily than you consume. While you'll be burning additional calories through exercise, you should also cut your consumption. Online calorie calculators can help you determine how much you're eating and how many calories you should cut.
Build muscle. Lifting weights can help tone your muscles and boost your metabolism, helping your body burn more calories throughout the day. Aim to lift weights two to three times a week during the 10-week diet.
Up your consumption of fiber and protein. Both fiber and protein fill you up, making you less susceptible to snacking. Opt for lean protein such as that found in lean meats, fish, poultry and low-fat dairy products. Whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes contain fiber.
Drink water. It helps flush toxins from your body and helps you feel full. People often think they're hungry when they're really dehydrated. Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily to support your weight-loss plan.
Vary your exercise regime. If you do the same exercise every day, you may find your body hits a plateau before the 10-week diet ends. Challenge your body during each workout by varying your activities. Exercise classes can spice up an otherwise dull workout.
Eat small meals throughout the day. When you eat three large meals, your metabolism slows down during the long periods you go without food. Divide your caloric intake into five to seven mini-meals rather than three large ones. You'll benefit from a higher metabolism throughout the day, helping you lose weight more quickly.