How to Do a Moritz Liver Flush
Things You'll Need
- Apple juice (about four gallons, organic, freshly pressed)
- Epsom salt
- Grapefruit (at least 1/2 dozen)
- Olive oil (good quality, extra virgin, organic)
Prepare. Before you begin doing any of these procedures, you may want to consult a doctor for a physical to determine whether a liver and gallbladder flush will be harmful for you. In most cases, it will be helpful.
Drink a minimum of 24 ounces of apple juice per day for 6 days in a row. The apple juice has special concentrations of acids that soften the liver and gallstones. Make sure to avoid the following types of foods: protein rich (peanut butter, most meats), sugar (as much as possible), and alcohol. You also need to avoid drinking cold, icy drinks, which tend to chill the liver and negate any progress the apple juice has made so far.
While adhering to the instructions in step 2, you are going to need to have a colonic enema. In order to pass the stones which are being loosened and flushed out of your body, the colon must be as uninhibited as possible. This may sound a little bizarre for most people, but I assure you that it is well worth the effort. Your doctor will likely be able to recommend a facility where this can be done.
Get ready for day six. There are several things that occur on this day, and instructions must be followed precisely. You want to have a very light breakfast on this day. At around 1pm, have a light lunch. Also, finish your apple juice early today.
At 5pm, you are going to mix/begin mixing two different drinks: Mix 4 Tbsp Epsom salt with 24 ounces of water. This is then divided into 4 servings. Juice your grapefruit, to be mixed later this evening.
At 7pm, and again at 9pm (always only 2 hours apart), you are going to drink one serving of the Epsom mix. At 11pm, mix 4oz grapefruit juice with 4 oz olive oil. Drink this mix and lie down in bed immediately, keeping your head elevated. Stay completely still for about 20 minutes, in order to allow your liver and gallbladder to loosen the stones. You may feel sick at this point. This is simply the toxins being released, and it should be seen as a sign of progress in this procedure.
Get up at 7am on day 7. (It should be 8 hours after your drank the olive oil/grapefruit juice). Drink another mixture of the Epsom salts. You will have your last serving at 9am. Then, prepare to spend a good amount of the day on the toilet. You will be releasing many stones from the liver and the gallbladder, and this may take a few trips to the toilet to accomplish. You may also need to perform another enema at some point in order to make sure that your colon is stone free.
In order to reap the full benefits of the Moritz Liver Flush, you need to follow up by performing the same procedure once a month for several months. Over time, you will notice that the stones become fewer and fewer, until you are totally clean. Also, as a preventive measure, one teaspoon of olive oil per day (consumed as cough syrup) prevents the build up of future stones.