How to Suppress Appetite for faster Weight Loss
Drink lots of water. Staying properly hydrated will help curb cravings that would have lead to overeating. Often times dehydration is actually mistaken for hunger, so in a sense, water is a natural appetite suppressant.
Eat smaller meals, more frequently. When you eat smaller meals throughout the day, you make it harder for your body to go into starvation mode, which is what leads to a stronger sense of hunger. Eating often and healthily is a good way to tame your appetite.
Coffee can serve as an appetite suppressant. Drinking a cup in the morning and a cup with lunch can help you to feel less hungry and fill up faster. Just make sure you don't drink too much or the caffeine will make you jittery!
Fill up on fiber and you will decrease your appetite and stay full longer. Fiber is great for weight loss and serves as a natural and healthy appetite suppressant. Vegetables will do the trick!
Work out to suppress your appetite. Intense cardio can actually make you feel hungrier, but light cardio (such as a walk after dinner) can serve as an appetite suppressant.
Don't ever starve yourself; eating too little actually makes the body prone to weight gain. Think moderation for weight loss success.