How to Lose Weight Fast With Exercise
Things You'll Need
- Heart rate monitor watch
How to Lose Weight Fast With Exercise
Determine your target heart rate zones by subtracting your age from 220 and then multiplying that number by 60 percent, 65 percent, 70 percent, 75 percent and 80 percent. Your first zone is 60 to 65 percent, your second zone is 66 to 75 percent, and your third zone is 76 to 80 percent.
Warm up for 5 to 10 minutes until you reach your zone 1 beats per minute. Keep exercising in zone 1 for 5 minutes.
Increase the intensity of your workout until you get to zone 2 beats per minute and stay there for 1 minute. Slow down until you are back in your zone 1 range and stay there for another 5 minutes.
Increase your intensity until you are in your zone 3 range and stay there for 1 minute. Drop back down into your zone 3 for 5 minutes. Keep alternating between reaching your zone 2 and zone 3 between 5 minutes in zone 1 until you have reached 20 minutes, not including your warm up period.
Cool down for 5 minutes until you are below your zone 1 heart rate beats per minute.