How to Evaluate the Curves Diet Plan
Choose a plan. The Curves plan involves one of two methods for dietary rotation. One is the Carbohydrate Sensitive method, which is more Atkins-like but varies by being low on carbs and low on fats. This requires a special shift in your food discipline. The other method--known as the Calorie Sensitive method--requires a large reduction in your food quantity intake. While the typical labels on a food guideline chart are determined using a 2,000 calorie-per-day-diet, the Calorie Sensitive plan requires that you drop down to 1,200 calories per day, graduating to 1,600 calories per day after a while.
Whichever plan you choose, the Curves diet requires a difficult two-week dietary crunch, followed by a slow adjustment to a more regular (but still strained) diet. -
Decide how much effort will be required on your part. The ease of following any diet is the big difference between "fad" diets and ones that endure. The Curves plan calls for a variation of the Atkins diet. This will require planning and preparing your meals, keeping close tabs on the contents by grams of protein, carbohydrates and fat.
Set a realistic goal for weight loss. Typically, a Curves diet candidate undergoes a rapid loss of weight relatively quickly. Most report losing between 6 to 10 lb. in the first two weeks, followed by a long-term loss of 1 to 2 lb. per week from then on. Ultimately, the dedicated person will achieve her goal weight, and the losses will diminish as she reaches equilibrium.
Consult with your doctor. Is it dangerous to practice this diet? The number one concern is about whether or not this diet is going to have any immediate adverse health affects. In the case of Curves, there are relatively minimal risks involved. The diet is primarily about discipline and dedication. However, any diet that emphasizes high protein and low carbohydrates can place a large amount of strain on the kidneys, liver and spleen. This can lead to premature hospitalization for medical problems that aren't typical of people under the age of 65, due to the enormous extra strain placed on your internal organs. Be aware that prolonged exposure to this type of diet can adversely affect your health.
Question whether the Curves program works. The Curves plan is more than a diet, it is an entire lifestyle overhaul. However, it can work well for many people who follow it.