How to Lose Weight Fast Diet Without Exercise
Things You'll Need
- Calorie counter
- Notebook
Determine how many calories you should be taking in daily. There are a number of calorie counters online that are free to use. They will normally ask what your goal is: either to lose weight, gain weight or maintain a current weight. Be sure to pick the one about losing weight. It will calculate the amount of calories you should be eating per day in order to lose weight. (Usually it's best to lose about one pound per week)
Do not take in more calories than what you figured in step 1. If you do, you won't lose weight. If you do take in some extra calories, be sure to exercise to make up for it. For example, walking at a moderate pace for 45 minutes can burn up to 400+ calories.
Use your calories wisely. Just because you are given 1,400 calories to eat in a day, doesn't mean you should fill them up with sugary foods. Eat a lot of lean meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains. You will actually be able to eat more food because the foods you are eating are actually lower in calories than a lot of processed foods that contain things like excess sugar and sodium.
Drink a lot of water. Drinking water before and in between meals helps to make you feel full, which prevents you from overeating. Next time you get a food craving, try drinking a bit of water to see if it helps to hold you over until your next meal.
Stay away from sugar, soda pop and alcohol. If you have a sweet tooth, choose sugar free snacks. Drinks containing sugar and alcohol are full of empty calories and will do nothing for weight loss.
Keep a food diary. Write down everything you eat for a minimum of two weeks. This helps you to learn what you are putting into your mouth. Also be sure to write down the serving size, how many servings you had and the total number of calories you consumed.
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