Reasonable Weight Loss Goals
How Many Pounds to Lose
A reasonable weight loss goal for the average person is losing 2 lbs. per week or 8 to 10 lbs. per month. Although different people lose weight at different speeds, 2 lbs. is reasonable. This may seem frustrating for people who want to lose weight quickly, but losing too much weight causes muscle and water loss, not fat.
Pay Attention to Portion Sizes
In order to achieve reasonable weight loss goals, people must pay attention to portions sizes and the types of foods consumed. Many people in the United States have lost track of portion sizes. The American Heart Association states that, in general, proper portion sizes are smaller than a person's fist and eat a diet primarily composed of healthy soups, salads, fruits and vegetables. These foods are filling and promote healthy digestion. The American Dietetic Association provides information on nutrition and diet. Peoples should aim for five or six small, healthy meals a day.
Keep a Food Diary
Many people often think that they are eating the right food portions to meet their reasonable weight loss goals. However, they many still be overeating. If people are not losing at least 2 lbs. a week, even after eating healthy and being active, they should keep a journal of every food eaten, including the amounts of fat, calories, sugar, and other nutrients of that item. People usually find that they may be consuming more calories than they should and foods that seem to be healthy, but are not. Depending on a person's physical activity and amount of weight they need to lose, most people should consume between 1,200 and 2,000 calories daily.
Weigh Regularly
The University of Minnesota Academic Health Center states a recent study that says that people who weigh themselves daily often reach and maintain their weight loss goals. While many people may see stepping on the scale daily as obsessive, they can weigh themselves regularly according to what's right for them. Some people weigh themselves daily, weekly or biweekly to determine if they are meeting their reasonable weight loss goals. Just like a food journal, people can keep a weight loss log. The best time to get an accurate weight is in the morning, as body weight fluctuates throughout the day because of food and fluid consumption.
Physical Activity
The American Heart Association says that physical activity helps people reach reasonable weight loss goals. Physical activity burns excess calories and strengthens the heart. However, these activities should include aerobics, strength training, toning and flexibility for a complete workout. To continue losing weight and avoid plateaus, people should change their workout routine every 6 weeks to 3 months so that the body doesn't get used to the workout.