How to Lose Chest Fat Quickly
Things You'll Need
- Egg whites
- Fruit
- Whole wheat cereal
- Vegetables
- Lean proteins
- Complex carbohydrates
- Access to a gym
Eat a healthy breakfast every day. According to the Mayo Clinic, skipping breakfast increases the body's insulin response, which in turn increases fat and weight gain. Choose a breakfast with healthy protein, such as egg whites, and fiber, such as whole fruits. Also, eat complex carbohydrates, such as whole wheat cereal, to give you energy and make you feel full.
Snack twice a day and eat smaller meals. Eat snacks, such as almonds, which have good fats and lean protein. Eating smaller meals burns more calories because the digestive system uses energy to break down the food. Eat balanced meals high in vegetables, fruit, lean protein and 1/2 cup of complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice and whole grain bread.
Drink green or black tea with caffeine. The caffeine in these teas increases energy and helps burn more fat from your chest. Tea has no calories and may have fat-fighting effects, according to Web MD.
Swim as much as you can. Take up swimming for cardiovascular exercise. According to "Men's Health," swimming burns 280 to 400 calories in half an hour and it works the chest muscles. Work on some kind of cardiovascular exercise six days a week, even if it is just a 30-minute brisk walk.
Lift weights two days a week when beginning, and then move up to three days a week for your overall body tone. Weight lifting increases the amount of calories and fat you burn. Restricting calorie intake may reduce muscle mass, so lifting weights counteracts that loss. Also, as you age, muscle mass is being lost.
Bench press to work on chest muscles. Lie down on the bench facing upwards. Hold the barbell above your head so that your arms are parallel to each other. Starting with a low weight, pull the barbell down so that it is a few inches above your chest. Be sure to exhale when you lift the weight and inhale when you release. Repeat the bench press 10 times, rest and then try two more sets. Increase the weight once you can easily perform 12 reps.
Move the bench to a 45 degree angle, so you are sitting up, for another chest exercise. Pull the barbell to your chest 10 times. Take a rest and then try two more sets.
Lift a barbell from the floor in front of your body 10 times. Start with your back straight and use your legs to lift the weight. Then lift the weight up and just over your head. Perform two sets for each arm. This works your chest, arms and abdomen.