Home Remedy for an Appetite Suppressant
Foods containing high amounts of protein are a great appetite suppressant. Look for foods that are low in fat and calories but high in protein. Nuts are a good choice; although they do have some fat content, it is a healthy type of fat that your body needs, and a small handful will keep hunger at bay. Another option is to use whey or soy protein powder to make shakes. You can find different types of protein powders at health stores and some grocery stores. Though they are sometimes expensive, they pack more grams of protein with fewer calories than most other options.
Water is probably the cheapest appetite suppressant there is. Sipping water throughout the day keeps your stomach feeling full. Oftentimes thirst is mistaken for hunger. If you feel hungry, try drinking a glass of water first and wait about 20 minutes. It is possible that your body was just a bit dehydrated. For more calorie-burning power, drink ice cold water. Your body will burn extra calories as it warms the water up to body temperature.
Green leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce and cabbage can fill you up with very few calories, plus they have a lot of vitamins and minerals that you need to stay healthy. Snacking on carrots and celery will keep your mouth busy and, because they are dense, they take a while to digest. With some of these foods, you actually burn more calories digesting them than the food itself contains. Try eating a salad full of vegetables with a light dressing before your meal. The salad will fill you up enough that you will eat less of the calorie-rich main course.
Snack on foods that contain a lot of fiber. Adding bran cereal to your morning yogurt can keep you full for hours. Try different high-fiber fruits. Mangos are sweet and delicious, and one serving contains half your daily recommended fiber. Soluble fiber (the kind found in fruits and some vegetables) turns into a thick jelly-like substance in your digestive track, which helps you to feel full. Insoluble fiber, found in whole grains, binds to fat and cleans out the system.
Soup is a great way to fill up with fewer calories. It is liquid-based, so it fills your stomach just like water. Most kinds contain some protein in the form of beans or meat, as well as fiber-rich vegetables. Eat soups that have a clear broth, rather than cream-based soups, which contain more fat and calories.