What Is Considered Rapid Weight Loss?
What Determines the Speed of Weight Loss?
It's all about how fast your body burns calories. The higher your metabolic rate, the faster your body burns off fat. When you are on a weight loss regimen, anything you can do to speed your metabolism will speed your weight loss. Anything you do to slow your metabolism will slow your weight loss. Exercise builds muscle, and muscle increases metabolism, which speeds weight loss. Lack of muscle tone means lower metabolism and slower weight loss. Hormone levels, your DNA and genetic makeup and even how much stress you are under can affect your body's ability to burn calories. Certainly the amount of calories you ingest, particularly the amount of protein, will affect the speed of your weight loss. Some of these you can easily control, such as increasing muscle mass through exercise, monitoring calories and protein and reducing stress levels.
How Fast Should You Lose Weight?
One to two pounds a week is a healthy, comfortable rate of weight loss. You may find your weight loss isn't that consistent but averages out at about that rate. Trying to lose more quickly by drastically reducing your caloric intake will lower your metabolic rate. Then you'll need fewer calories just to maintain your weight. As a result, after a big initial weight loss, much of which may be water loss, your weight loss will grind to a near halt. Now you know why you may have lost weight in the past up to a certain point and then been unable to lose more. Rapid weight loss eventually causes weight loss to slow or stop. The other unfortunate result is that the weight will come back.
Does Rapid Weight Loss Jeopardize Health?
Going up and down in weight can result in gall bladder problems. Gall stones can occur, as well as having to have the gall bladder removed. Rapid weight loss puts people at greater risk for developing gall stones than those who lose weight more slowly. People who don't even know they have "silent" or painless gall stones may develop painful symptoms due to weight loss faster than three pounds a week.
Rapid Weight Loss Causes Loose Skin
With a healthy rate of weight loss and exercise, the skin tightens as you lose. However, with rapid weight loss, your skin may not have enough elasticity and end up sagging. Some who have lost a great deal of weight rapidly have required plastic surgery to remove excess skin.
Why Weight Comes Back After Rapid Weight Loss
You could be losing muscle as well as fat if you lose too rapidly. Unless you are consistently doing strength training to build muscle, your dramatic weight loss could include the loss of muscle mass. When calories are too low, protein levels may be as well, and muscle building and maintenance requires high protein levels. Lowering protein and losing muscle mass lowers the metabolism. When you do go off your diet and have less muscle mass, you will be weaker and slower. The weight will come back with a vengeance, and all your rapid weight loss will have been futile. Not only that, it will be even more difficult to lose weight the next time, unless you wait until your metabolism is back to normal.
Why Drastic Diets Cause Eating Disorders
Starvation and fad diets that cause rapid weight loss can also bring on dangerous cycles of deprivation and binging, possibly resulting in eating disorders. After extreme deprivation, the dieter is tempted to binge, which causes guilt and the need to purge, or bulimia. In anorexia, starvation makes the dieter feel virtuous, safe and in control, and eating is very threatening. Whenever dieters develop a love-hate relationship with food, it seems to have all the power, and the individual is helpless to do anything about it. A healthy diet regimen, in contrast, causes the dieter to remain in control.
Rapid vs. Healthy Weight Loss
There are many healthy weight loss approaches and eating plans, including Atkins, the Zone or the original diabetic diet. Weight Watchers can help you find an eating plan you can live with, as can SparkPeople online. All of these will allow you to lose around two pounds a week and maintain your weight loss over a long term. It is extremely important that you keep your metabolism revved up and your muscle strength improving by consistent exercise and drinking plenty of water, combined with your food plan.