How to Lose Weight Following the Coconut Diet

The coconut diet is based on the theory that traditional populations that consumed a lot of pure coconut oil very rarely had problems with weight gain and heart disease that many Western cultures struggle with. There are also some claims that the coconut fats are metabolized differently, allowing them to become instant energy instead of stored fat. There is still debate over this, and you should consult your doctor before beginning any diet plan. Each of the four phases of the coconut diet is to be accompanied by your taking 2 to 3 teaspoons of pure coconut oil every single day.

Things You'll Need

  • Coconuts
  • Natural coconut oil
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    • 1

      Read a book about the coconut diet, such as Eat Fat Look Thin. Familiarize yourself with the entire plan before starting. Buy all the groceries you will need for at least a week of meals and menus you plan based on the information in the book.

    • 2

      Begin phase one, the 21-day weight-loss kick off. This allows three meals and one or two snacks a day that focus on protein and veggies. Grains, sweets, and most fruits are to be avoided. Take 2 to 3 teaspoons of pure coconut oil every day.

    • 3

      Begin phase two, the cleansing phase, on the fourth week. This phase involves adding various cleansing drinks, as outlined by the diet, based on veggies and fiber that are supposed to help cleanse your internal organs. Some versions of the coconut diet suggest a colon cleanse product, as well, during this time. Do not embark on any type of cleanse or juice fast, however, without consulting a physician. Continue to take 2 to 3 teaspoons of pure coconut oil every day.

    • 4

      Move on to the third phase, which is re-introducing healthy carbs into your diet. Begin eating whole grains, limited fruits and limited amounts of starchy veggies. This should help satisfy your body's needs while bringing back only the healthy carbs. Continue to take 2 to 3 teaspoons of pure coconut oil every day.

    • 5

      Begin phase four, the maintenance phase. This phase is designed to make sure that the weight lost is lost for good. Familiarize yourself with the specific foods that are allowed from now on, while avoiding sweets, alcohol and refined grains ongoingly. Continue to take 2 to 3 teaspoons of pure coconut oil every day.

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