Normal Weight Ranges for Women
Basis for weight classifciations
Doctors commonly use a chart based on a person's height and weight to determine what classification a patient is within. The chart usually starts at 5 to 6 feet. A patients weight would be compared to her height to give doctors a body mass index or (BMI).
Fittng The Image
There are some women who will automatically feel overweight if they don't match the weight and height chart measurements. The charts don't account for differences in cultural body make up. Many women base their lifestyle around the chart without taking in factors like genetics.
Sample height and weight information
Without clothes a woman who is 5 feet tall has a normal weight range of 97 to 128 lbs. Women who are 5 feet, 4 inches tall have a normal weight range of 110 to 145 lbs. Taller women, at 5 feet, 8 inches have a normal weight in the range of 125 to 164 lb. and women who are 6 feet tall have a 140- to 184-lb. weight range.
Women may want to use their intuition for personal size ideals. Considerations include how your clothes feel. Are you comfortable with how your pants, skirts and tops fit. Do you notice extra room in your clothing. If so you are dropping inches which can be just as satisfying as dropping pounds. This also cuts down on too many weigh-ins that can cause stress.
Concern for Health
The normal weight ranges should be used as one guideline and to see where you fall in comparison to others. A doctor and nutritionist can help you get on track to lose and or gain weight so that you maintain a healthy size.