About Adapex
How It Works
It is not known exactly how Adipex works as a weight-loss drug, but it is thought to be an appetite suppressant or to increase the amount of energy the body burns, thereby helping with weight loss.
Adipex is a weight-loss drug, but the medication alone will typically not be enough to lose weight. Most doctors recommend that patients taking Adipex also eat a healthy diet and begin an exercise regimen. Adipex is generally only prescribed for people who are extremely overweight, with a body mass index of more than 27.
Side Effects
Some people taking Adipex will experience side effects from the medicine. These include a decrease is sex drive, impotence, constipation or diarrhea, a dry mouth or a bad taste in the mouth, difficulty sleeping, nervousness, restlessness, overstimulation or an exaggerated sense of well-being. In rare cases, people may develop serious side effects that indicate a potential problem. Notify your doctor immediately if you notice any of the following: chest pain, muscle tremor, shortness of breath, swelling in the legs and feet, bizarre behavior, fainting, a pounding feeling in the chest or a rapid heartbeat.
Adipex is not safe for all people, including those with heart disease, blood vessel disease or severe narrowing of blood vessels, moderate or severe high blood pressure, glaucoma or an overactive thyroid. Also be sure to tell your doctor if you have ever taken another appetite-suppressing drug or are currently taking one.
Drug Interactions
Some drugs taken with Adipex can cause a rare but life-threatening drug reaction. Do not take MAO inhibitors, fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine or furazolidone within two weeks of taking Adipex. Additionally, serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors can increase the odds of experiencing side effects of Adipex, and guanadrel and guanethidine may not be as effective when taken with Adipex.