How to Reduce Stomach Fat
Many people believe that you can reduce stomach fat by exercising the stomach only. In other words, they think you can spot reduce. Wrong, you can't spot reduce, there is no such thing, therefore, when you lose weight it will be overall body fat which includes the stomach.
In fact, you can lose more stomach fat by weight training your legs. I know it sounds crazy to lose weight in your stomach by working legs, but it's true. This is because the leg muscles are the largest and hardest muscles in the body to work, so you burn more calories working them.
Weight training is one of the best ways to lose body fat and gain muscle. It's muscle that works the miracle for you, because it burns fat. Consequently, the more fat you burn the flatter the stomach gets. In order to lose even more fat all you need do is add intense cardio.
A combination of weight training and intense cardio will increase metabolism at a quick rate, especially if done consistently. I double dog dare ya to train 6 days a week pumping iron 3 and cardio 3 with high intensity for 3 months.
Another great way to increase muscle and reduce stomach fat is with interval training. This way you do a combination of moderate and intense training combined. All you do is spurts of intense exercise and taper off a bit then do this throughout the entire routine.
For example, if you walk ten minutes then jog for five and do this back and forth for 30 minutes you are interval training. In order to crank up intensity after a few weeks you reverse the order, so that you walk for five and run for ten.
Of course, none of this will take off one pound if you do not cut calories. To start cut 500 a day until you're at 1200-1500 no less than 1200. In addition, be sure to drink plenty of water it fills you up and has no calories.
Safe weight loss is two pounds a week and it should be easy if you exercise and eat 1200-1500 calories a day. Additionally, it's best to choose an exercise you enjoy so you won't quit. The bottom line is to move more and eat less.