How to Use Tea for Faster Weight Loss
First, make sure that you are drinking the right tea. Weight loss teas often have ingredients of EGCG, which has the capacity to bump up the body's caloric burn. Green tea is the most popular tea for dieters, and with good reason; it burns fat, and can help lower the risk of certain cancers.
Drink 10 ounces of tea in the morning, and 10 ounces again around lunch in order to get the most weight loss benefits. The caffeine will help to suppress your appetite a bit (making it easier to stick to a moderate, healthy breakfast and lunch; don't ever starve your body) and the tea will increase your metabolism moderately.
While you are on a tea diet, drink lots of water. This will also help curb cravings and maximize the benefits of weight loss from tea drinking.
Drinking tea for weight loss does not allow a person to eat whatever they like in large quantities. I have often see dieters eating a large, unhealthy, calorie loaded lunch saying "but I drank Green Tea for breakfast". It really doesn't work like that! Tea can help speed up weight loss, but not if you are otherwise continuing with unhealthy diet and exercise habits.