How to Accomplish Weight Loss for Teenage Girls
Consult your family doctor or pediatrician to determine your ideal weight and what would be an appropriate amount of weight to lose. Even though it may seem realistic for you to lose 20 pounds, you may only need to lose 10 pounds to be healthy.
Eat breakfast. If you only have a few minutes to spare before catching the bus or driving to school, grab a banana or toast a bagel. Eating in the morning starts your metabolism for the day.
Cut back your meal portions. Some tricks to make it seem like your portion sizes haven't changed is to use smaller plates and eat out of premeasured containers. If you're hungry between meals, have a glass of water and a small fruit or vegetable, string cheese or handful of nuts.
Keep track of how many calories you consume from liquid. Consuming soda, juice, tea, smoothies and coffee can easily add up to hundreds of calories. If you can't stop drinking liquids other than water, replace every other liquid you drink with a glass of water. If you're able to cut out all other beverages besides water, you'll easily prevent additional weight gain.
Find a physical activity you enjoy doing that also relieves stress. Activities include, but are not limited to, jogging, swimming, hiking, canoeing, biking, cheerleading, field hockey, horseback riding and tennis. Exercise for at least 30 minutes per day.
Ask another family member to lose weight with you. This way, you can both watch what you eat and exercise together. Motivate each other to stay on the weight loss plan when either of you wants to indulge in a high-calorie meal or skip exercising for the day.