Cellulite Treatments
Weight Loss
The accumulation of fat contributes to cellulite. To get rid of cellulite, establish a weight loss plan. Eat a low-fat diet, and choose healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats and whole grains. Begin an exercise regimen to consistently burn fat and calories. Start slowly, and gradually resolve to workout for 30 to 60 minutes five times a week.
Reduce Fluid Retention
Water retention is common in the abdomen and thighs. If fluid retention contributes to cellulite, increase your water intake to flush excess fluids from your body. Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day will stimulate your kidneys and reduce water weight. Also, reduce your sodium intake. And if your prescription medications cause fluid retention, talk to your doctor about tapering your dosage.
Increase Muscle Tone
In addition to weight loss, building muscle tone is an effective treatment for cellulite. Several exercises can transform your body and reduce cellulite. To get rid of cellulite on the thighs and buttocks, engage in squats, running and pilates. Core workouts are effective for the abdomen (crunches and leg lifts), and weightlifting can reduce cellulite on the arms.
Massage/Laser Therapies
A combination of massage and light therapy can reduce cellulite and tighten the skin. In light therapy, a physician gently massages the body with an infrared light device. As the device massages the surface of the skin, the skin becomes firmer and cellulite gradually disappears. Unfortunately, this treatment is costly, and patients will need ongoing treatments to maintain smooth, firm skin.
Skin Firming Creams
Certain lotions and creams can temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite, and promote the production of collagen to firm the skin. Choose firming lotions and skin creams that feature active ingredients such as collagen, vitamin E, oil olive and L-Carnitine. Additionally, massaging the skin with lotion stimulates blood circulation, which can also reduce cellulite.