How to Get Thinner Thighs
If you're on a mission to get thinner thighs it can take a little time, so settle down and do it the right way. After all, it may have taken years for those thighs to get that way, so it takes time to get rid of them.
As you know spot reduction is a myth! You can't do it, so don't try, it's not a waste of time, but just exercising your legs won't make thighs thinner. You have to lose overall body fat then the thigh fat will start to come off.
You can safely lose two pounds a week just by eating 1200 to 1500 a day, no less than 1200. It's not as hard as it sounds, usually if you reduce portions and not eat seconds as well as drink water with meals it will work like magic.
That is, considering that you are doing at least moderate exercise. After all, what a pity to lose fat thighs just to have them look flabby! This is what happens to those who lose weight without exercise. Did you know that flabby thighs can look as bad as fat ones? It's true I've seen them many times at the beach.
If you're going to get thinner thighs then why not have good muscle tone, so that you can show them off. A combination of cardio and training with weights would give you the best results; however, a Billy Blanks video can do a pretty good job too.
As long as you exercise 3-5 days a week on a consistent basis and lower calories, as instructed above, your fat thighs will be a thing of the past. No rush, no panic just steadily day by day making healthy choices. Don't fall for scams that promise the moon and end up worse off than when you started.
It's also a good idea to keep a journal and chart progress this way you know exactly what you did and how many calories you ate. Plus when you document everything it keeps you accountable and on track.
The really great part is that it's such a simple w eight loss program that anyone can do it. And here's an added bonus! You can go shopping for a new bikini to show off your newly toned thinner thighs.